
I bet you've heard of them.  Seen them on Pinterest.  Scrolled by a pic on Instagram.  I know I have, hundreds of times.  But I haven't actually tried them.  Until now.

Cutting sugar and carbs, I knew I couldn't live without my pasta.  I love pasta.  LOVE it.  So it was time to take action.  This called for a Target trip.  $124 later ... I came home with a bunch of stuff I had no idea I needed, and one veggie spiralizer.

With a zucchini in hand, it was time to give my new kitchen gadget a spin.  (or a spiral?)  You can eat your zoodles raw, however I was making my family spaghetti, and I just couldn't imagine eating yummy meat sauce on cold zucchini.  I wanted to be able to give my zoodles a little flavor, so my plan is to skillet saute them with a little chopped garlic.  Everything is better with garlic.

As I start ... it really goes fast!  I spiraled one entire medium zucchini.  Keeping the skin on helps the zoodles to keep some of their strength and you really don't notice it at all when eating it.

This was so fun, even my Little Miss wanted to spiralize something.  She did her own carrot.  Next, on to the sauce!

On this sugar-free journey I'm finding that sugars are hidden in everything.  You have to read your labels!  Even though there are natural sugars in pasta sauce, I didn't want extra sugar, so found this gem at my grocery store.  I used it to make my meat sauce and boiled regular pasta for my family.  Yep; they are eating traditional and I'm eating as sugar and carb-free as I can. 

Once my sauce was completed and the regular pasta cooked, I started my skillet with some oil and minced garlic.  Getting it nice and hot to add in my zucchini. 

Tossing with salt, pepper, oil and garlic ... all I had to do is heat these babies through. 

The smell was fantastic.  I was actually excited.  For zucchini.  Wow, times have changed. 

And then my zoodles were ready.  I topped them with my delicious meat sauce and added just a bit of parmesan cheese.  I only heated my zoodles through, so they kept their shape and some of their bite; kind of like al dente pasta!

My review?  Delicious.  Simply delicious.  Don't get me wrong ... I still miss pasta, but using zoodles was not awful!  I really, really liked it!  And this makes me happy because now I have something to sub pasta with - which means I won't have the feeling of missing out on the foods I love to cook, and the ones I love to eat. 

Grab yourself a spiralizer, grab some veggies, and start having some fun! 

