Spinach & Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken | Keto & Whole 30

Who knew I'd get this excited about cream cheese and chicken?  Who am I?  Well, I'm a woman who is committed to eating better.  Yep.  A better version of me.  I know; it sounds cliche.  I promise it's not.  It's been almost a month since I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and since then I've really explored food.  I've been reading labels on any food I purchase.  Not because I'm counting calories, or I'm on some insane points plan.  Not that there is anything wrong with those - it's just not something I can commit to. 

Exploring Keto has helped me to better control the foods I'm putting in my body and most importantly, how my body reacts to the foods I'm feeding it.  Did you know this?  I mean, I guess I have been told this over the years, but I have never been a woman on a diet and never really had a reason to pay attention.  Perhaps that's why I have my diagnosis today?  Maybe it's just genetics ... who knows. 

I'm a food writer for goodness sake - how can I not dive head first into this?!  Am I following the Keto eating plan because it's popular?  Nope.  Am I doing it because I want to look like Heidi Klum?  Nope.  I'm doing it because it's vital to my health.  And now that I am paying attention to this, I'm also evaluating what I'm feeding my family. 

Sugar.  It's everywhere.  Read the labels in your pantry.  Even our so-called "good snacks" are filled with them!  And then it hit me.  I might as well have been feeding my kids spoonfuls of it over the years.  So I'm changing that.  I'm now showing them how to eat better.  Doesn't mean a cupcake or two is out of the question at a birthday party, but the weekly meals and snacks are going to be foods I'm putting intention behind. 

Alas, this has put me on the search for new and exciting foods to try.  New recipes!  New ways to fuel my body so that it is working better.  Because hey ... I want to stick around for a long time like Betty White. 

First up, I used Philadelphia Whipped Cream Cheese, and mixed it with thawed and drained spinach.  After that, I took two chicken breasts and then butterflied them with my handy dandy meat mallet. 

Adding salt and pepper to my creamy spinach mixture, I then spread a nice layer right in the middle of my chicken breast.  (After thought:  Next time I do this recipe I will be adding in some crumbled bacon to the mixture as well.)

Roll the breasts up and then secure with toothpicks.  As you can see from my pictures, this is the reason I'm not a surgeon.  My skills aren't perfected, but as long as you get the mixture to stay inside your chicken breasts, you are good to go!

Eating along the Keto plan I didn't want to add bread crumbs, but if you are not concerned with added carbs, feel free to add a bread crumb topping.  I opted for salt, pepper and some chipotle seasoning. 

Place your rolled up chicken breasts in a lightly greased pan and bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes, or until your chicken is cooked through. 

Serving mine up with halved cherry tomatoes helped to give a bit of freshness to the chicken, but a side salad would be a perfect side as well!

I have to say ... this came out wonderfully.  My husband doesn't have to restrict his eating, so the side for him is rice, but honestly, you could serve this up for any eating style you like! 

Give this one a try ... even if you aren't restricting your eating in any way, this is a great go-to, mid week dinner. 

