Delicious Deviled Eggs

The holidays.
For most of us, the holidays are filled with lots of running around, lots of wrapping, get togethers with friends and family and eating large, delicious meals together.

I love it.

The holidays hold personal meaning for me and so I'm that person.  You know, THAT person.  The one who feels they need to hold the traditions together and do the same silly, yet fun, yet annoying to the older children - traditions.When it comes to the food - I'm in heaven.  I will plan for weeks in advance and look forward to making it all.  One of the traditions for my husband and I are deviled eggs.

Deviled Eggs are aptly named, as these little suckers can be so good that you can stand there and eat 9 without batting an eye.  Not that I've done that before or anything ... but I'm just saying, someone might do that.  

As much as I wish I could spend the holidays in my yoga pants and fuzzy socks all day I have to actually go out and around to the family houses.  This means the majority of my holiday cooking also has to take into account, transportation ability.  This can be the biggest challenge in a lot of dishes.  For many years this was a huge challenge for me and my glorious deviled eggs that must accompany any and every holiday dinner.  

For years I would make my eggs, dress them beautifully and have them just right.  Then I would attempt aluminum foil over the top and transport.  Or sometimes a big tupperware container.  It never failed, though.  During transport they would never be as perfect upon arrival as they were when I first made them.  Some would topple over all together!  *the horror!*  I needed to work smarter; not harder.  Thus, this method was born.

  • hard boiled eggs (number depends on how much you need - for me; never enough!)
  • 1-2 cups Miracle Whip
  • 1/4 cup mustard (regular yellow or course mustard - your choice)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 6 chives chopped
  • 1 T Paprika

Begin by placing your eggs in a large pot and cover with water until the tops are submerged.  Bring to a hard, rolling boil for 6-7 minutes.  Then, place the lid on top and pull off the heat.  Allow to sit until cooled.  

Once those beautiful eggs are boiled to perfection, Take each one and cut in half.  Remove the yolks and place in a large mixing bowl.  Take your halves and lay out in a container that will allow them to lay out but that you can cover for transport  Cover and place in the fridge.

Take your yolks and crush with a fork.  Make sure to smash them finely so you don't have too many lumps.  

Next up, add in the Miracle Whip spoonful at a time.  Want a healthier version?  More Only Half Deviled Eggs ?  Substitute avocados in place of Miracle Whip.  It is delicious to me, but then again, avocado on everything is good to me.  See the fuzzy socks?  One day I will do a family holiday in home where I can wear those suckers all day long.  A girl can dream .... 

Next up, add in your mustard.  I use regular Yellow Mustard when doing my traditional holiday eggs, but, you can totally make this one unique by adding a course mustard, beer-flavored, spicy ... get creative!

Add in salt and pepper to taste and then mix well.  

Only thing left is to dice up the chives or green onions.  Now we are ready to travel.  This is my stopping point.  Place your three ingredients into containers and place the lids on and in the fridge until time to go.

Once you arrive you'll need only three extra things: a Ziplock bag, Platter to display your devilish eggs and scissors to cut off the tip of the Ziplock.  

Pipe in your filling mixture in your Ziplock and press down into one corner.  Cut off the tip and get ready to fill those pearly whites! 

Pipe each one in until full and continue to fill your Ziplock bag as needed.

Once they are filled, sprinkle your Paprika on, along with your chopped chives/green onions.  Serve.  The longest my eggs have lasted at a holiday dinner is 15 minutes.  My motto: you can't eat just one!

This method of finishing when you get to your destination works the best because they look simply stunning when they are freshly done right before serving to your guests.  Fresh and none are destroyed due to transport issues.  Can't believe I didn't think of this years ago.  I'll take a moment of silence for all the Deviled Eggs that gave their lives in the transports in the past.

A special note from Jacqui ..... 

Hope you all have a great holiday!
If you subscribe to my blog you know that my most important morale of it, is bringing the family together at the table.  I firmly believe mealtimes are precious.  They allow us to connect with our family and loved ones over food.  Food can bring us together.  It gives us a chance to talk about our days, our worries, our accomplishments and maybe sometimes it's during times of celebration.  Take advantage of meals with your family.  Make the time count.  This is why I call my food musings, Home For Dinner.

