Smoothie Love - Ways to Prep for the Entire Week

Maybe I needed a kick start.  I've been wanting a rocket blender for quite some time but it's always been one of those things that you want but never really get yourself.  At least it was for me.  But alas my husband listened to my subtle clues throughout the years and bought me a Bella Rocket Blender set for Christmas.  Thus my kick start happened.

I started scavenging looking for smoothie recipes and loved this set because it came with the lids for easy travel.  This way, in the mornings I could make my smoothie and go.  Not be tempted to either eat nothing for breakfast or worse - fast food!

As with the rest of my cooking I'm always looking for ways to prep ahead and save myself time throughout the week.  My smoothies were no exception.  Since everything can be frozen and ready for the week - what better way to prep ahead?  No having to slice fruit in the mornings or portion out anything.  I can simply grab a bag already portioned, blend and go.

There is no wrong way to create a smoothie.  Well, maybe there are some 'odd' combinations of smoothie, but I have yet to find a wrong one.  Think of your favorite fruits or veggies.  Think of things that go well together.  Add ice.  Simple smoothie.

Need a metabolism boost?  You can do that with different fruits and veggies.  Here are some great options:
  • walnuts, almonds
  • whey protein 
  • spinach
  • whole grains, (like oatmeal)
  • apples & pears
  • citrus fruits

Starting out I thought I'd try some things I had on hand today.  Frozen sugar-free strawberries, banana and honey for a bit of sweetness.

Let's talk portions.  By using approximately 1 cup of frozen strawberries and 1 banana I can divide this into 4 portions.  You don't need a lot to create a smoothie - especially if you are using multiple ingredients.

By dividing this out I created 4 portions to put into bags and place in the freezer.  Now, in the mornings, all I have to do is grab one bag and add my 'extras' such as yogurt, oatmeal, spinach, etc.

For today however I stuck with the basics.

Add in the fruit, a small squeeze of honey, add ice and orange juice.

It's as simple as that.  Blend and add a straw.  I told you ... I just needed a kick start.  My Bella Rocket Blender was the kick start I needed.  Now I can really focus on my eating plan and it will be easier to stick to it because I can prep ahead and keep it easy to do.

I'd LOVE to hear some of your favorite smoothie combinations!!  Since I'm just starting this life-style change I am curious to try new recipes and mixtures!  Let me know what your favorites are!

