Taco Spaghetti : Pinterest Success Story!


I do a lot of pinning on Pinterest.  Well ... okay ... QUITE a lot of pinning on Pinterest.  And as a seasoned Pinner I will say there are a good number of things on Pinterest that either have no chance of ever coming out like they are pictured but if you learn to spot those you can avoid any Pin-sasters.  (Yes, I seriously just coined the word "Pin-saster."  You are welcome.)
I came across this particular pin this weekend and when I saw the name I had a complete different picture in my head of what this meal would be.  Then I read through the link and thought, 'this doesn't sound too bad.'
When I did my meal planning for the week I knew I'd be trying this and told my husband.  I got a very skeptical look from across the living room.  But, like the good sport he is, he told me he'd try it tonight.  I have now turned him into a lover of the Taco Spaghetti.  Score one for the wife.
Here's what we need:
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 lb of whole wheat spaghetti
  • 1 small can of diced black olives
  • 1 can of sweet yellow corn, rinsed
  • 1 cup of your favorite salsa
  • 1/2 white onion, chopped
  • 2 cups shredded cheese
  • Taco Seasoning
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • Sour Cream (for topping)
  • 3 green onions, chopped (for topping)
  • small handful of cherry tomatoes (for topping)
Not a lot of prep for this meal and that's why it's perfect for a weeknight dinner.  After a long day at work the last thing you want to do is stand there and prep before evening cooking.
Start off by heating your pasta pot with water with some Canola Oil.  When it comes to a full boil, add in a nice handful of salt and then cook your pasta to al dente.
Start out by browning your ground beef and season with salt and pepper.
Once browned, add your minced garlic and sauté. 
Next, add in your chopped onion, rinsed corn and chopped black olives.  Simmer together.
Now add in your salsa and combine. 
Finally we add in our Taco Seasoning and about 1/2 cup of water.  Turn your heat down to low and simmer all together. 
Once your pasta is done, add to the sauce pan with your meat mixture and turn off the heat.  Toss together until well combined.
In the bottom of a glass pan add a small dollop of salsa to keep your pasta from sticking.
Pile your mixture into the pan and top with your shredded cheese until covered.
Set your oven to Broil and place your pan in.  Remember: watch it when you are on Broil .. you can totally overcook anything.  You simply want your cheese to get nice and bubbly.  (that's when the magic happens.)
And there you have it.  Golden. Cheesy. Goodness.

Serve up and top with sour cream, (greek yogurt if going light), chopped green onions and sliced cherry tomatoes.  (keeping these cherry tomatoes away from my toddler is key because these are her candy)
Serve this up for your family ... another Pinterest Success Story in the books!!
