A Grillin' Affair!

Ahh, the beautiful spring time is upon us ... and for me that only makes me think of grilling outside with friends.   There is something to be said for a simply evening of sitting around in lawn chairs on the back porch, having drinks, talking, laughing and eating great food - to me, this is paradise. 

I think most of us when we think about grilling it usually consists of the meat variety in some form or another; whether that be BBQ chicken, steaks, kaboobs ... but I think it's time we all start thinking outside of the box. 

My girlfriend and her husband enjoy a great meal of pizza on the grill.  They take their pizza crust and place it on their pizza stone and throw that right on the grill with their toppings of choice -- a GREAT option for something grilled that's out of the norm.  Another spin on that of course is a good flatbread -- laid straight on the grill, (of course with this option, make sure you coat your grill with non-stick spray or use extra virgin olive oil on the bottom of your flatbread to avoid sticking) and the toppings can be as diverse as you like.  Try fresh basil, italian sausage, roma tomotoes and fresh mozzerella for a classic italian flatbread.  For a mexican twist take chorizo, pepper jack cheese and jalapenos.  Your choices are literally endless.

Relaxing at the end of a long day or even breaking up your weekend with an evening entertaining with your best friends can make your soul feel refreshed and relaxed - no prescription needed.  Some of my fondest memories are found sitting around drinking and laughing with those I care about til the fireflies come out and light up the night skies. 

Since today we are talking about grilling outside of the norm - here is my contribution - a more decadant option that is both refreshing and new.  Dessert on the grill. 

Take pound cake and slice into 1" slices.  I take fresh peaches and cut them in half, removing the pit.  Brush the pound cake lightly with melted butter and set aside.  In a small bowl combine simple syrup or agave syrup with minced mint leaves and brown sugar - mixed until combined.  Brush this mixture on the fruit side of your peaches that you have cut in half.  Reserve any remaining mixture. 

Place your pound cake on the grill along with your peaches, laying the peaches fruit side down.  Check your pound cake slices about 1 - 2 minutes, then flip - you are trying to achieve the grill marks and a very slight browning.  The peaches turn a quarter inch after about the 1-2 minute mark.  In bowls add a scoop of your choice, Greek yogurt or vanilla ice cream.  Place two slices of grilled pound cake in the bowl along with one peach half - then drizzel with your remaining syrup mixture.  As an added flavor boost, drizzle with either chocolate or caramel syrup.  A yummy finish to a great meal on the grill.  You can garnish with a mint leave if desired. 

The cool night air, good conversation, great food ... the makings of a wonderful memory ...

